


巴特-格伦社区学院区 是否考虑采用选区补选制度. 在副受托人区域 election 系统s, voters residing within each trustee area will elect a trustee also 居住在受托人区域内.

虽然地区保管委员会已经 required to reside in the trustee area they represent, if the changes are approved, 区 voters will only vote for the trustee position 选民所在的受托人区域.

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最终建议地图: 101 c修订 2022年2月25日的会议








图101 b

图101 c




How are trustees of the Butte-Glenn 社区 College 区 currently 当选?

巴特-格伦社区学院区有7名当选理事.  目前, there are two 受托人的地区 in Glenn County and five 受托人的地区 in Butte County.

地区目前以混合式的保管委员会地区选举模式运作.  下 this hybrid 系统, trustees live in the election area they represent, but are 当选 在选区内的所有选民中. 这意味着任何居住在 地区内可投票给任何受托人候选人.

The hybrid trustee area election 模型 was approved by 区 voters in June 1976.  This approval followed the March 1975 approval to annex a portion of Glenn County to the Butte 社区 College 区, creating the Butte-Glenn 社区 College 区.  受托地区自1976年以来没有改变过.

What changes are being made to the Butte-Glenn 社区 College 区’s election 系统?

该地区正在考虑采用选区选举制度.  下 by-trustee area election 系统s, voters residing within each trustee area will elect 也居住在受托人区域内的受托人.  虽然地区保管委员会已经 required to reside in the trustee area they represent, if the changes are approved, 区 voters will only vote for the trustee position of the trustee area where 选民居住在.  

一个新的受托人区域地图也将被考虑采用.  受托人区域必须为 of substantially equal population, as required by the United States and California 宪法.  地区预期保管委员会地区边界的修改 是否有必要平衡受托人地区内的人口.


The intent of the California Voting Rights Act (CVRA) is to ensure minorities and other members of protected classes are provided 平等享有公平代表权, 并防止种族两极化的投票.  CVRA赞成由受托人地区选举 模型.  本区希望确保所有人都有平等的机会获得公平的代表权 居住在选区内的选民.

Why is the Butte-Glenn 社区 College 区 changing the way trustees are 当选?

Butte-Glenn 社区 College 区 values all members of its communities and desires 其受托人选举提供公平代表权的平等机会.  的CVRA favors by-trustee area elections to prevent racially polarized voting and provide 平等享有公平代表权.


No.  这个改变不会影响地区的边界.  变化只会影响 地区内七个保管委员投票区域的边界.


No.  将继续有七名当选受托人.  只有各自的边界 受托人区域将更改.


The current 受托人的地区 will likely change to ensure each trustee area is of substantially equal population, as required by the United States and California 宪法.  A demographer will analyze the population of the entire 区 and develop several trustee area map options with 受托人的地区 that are of substantially equal population.


We anticipate the boundaries of the 受托人的地区, including the two in Glenn County, will likely be modified to ensure substantially equal population among 受托人的地区.  This does not necessarily mean Glenn County will lose a trustee area, since there may be options that involve incorporating contiguous areas of Butte County into these 受托人的地区.  地区建议提出所有的关切、意见和想法 关于地图开发和边界的公听会.  前两个“预映射” public hearings provide an opportunity for the public to provide input prior to development 在地图上. 


  • 通过一项决议,启动由受托人地区投票的变更. 学区于2021年4月14日通过本决议. 
  • 人口统计学家的选择. The demographer will analyze Census data and develop proposed 受托人的地区 options. 
  • 公开听证会1 & 2. The two “pre-map” public hearings will be held prior to preparation of trustee area map proposals, and are for the purpose receiving public input regarding composition 这样的地图.  公开听证会的日期将公布在该区的网站上.
  • 准备受托人区域地图建议. Following the two pre-map hearings, and release of the 2020 Census data (anticipated September 2021), the demographer will prepare several draft map options for Board 公众的考虑.  人口统计学家将分析这个地区的人口 确保受托人选区的人口基本相等.
  • 公开听证会3 & 4. Two “post-map” public hearings will be held regarding the 受托人的地区 proposed by the demographer, for the purpose of receiving public input regarding the proposed 地图.  公开听证会的日期将公布在该区的网站上.
  • 公开听证会和董事会批准. A final public hearing will be held to discuss the proposed changes, and the Board will approve a by-trustee area election 系统 and a particular trustee area map. 
  • Request to California 社区 Colleges Board of Governors’ to Approve New Election 系统. The 区 will request, and the Board of Governors’ will consider approval of, 经理事会批准的选举制度和受托人区域图.

How will the transition to by-trustee area elections affect trustees who are currently 当选 ?

所有现任董事会成员都将任期届满. 受托人区域模型 会否透过定期的受托人选举周期实施.   

When are the public hearing for Butte-Glenn 社区 College 区 scheduled?

The 区 is committed to transparency during this transition process, and will comply with the Election Code’s procedures, which require the 区 to conduct a total of five public hearings prior to the Board’s approval of new trustee area 地图.  听证会日期将公布在地区网站上.

Two pre-map hearings will be conducted prior to the development of the trustee area 地图.  The 区 anticipates these hearings will be held in August 2021, and scheduled 日期将公布在学区网站上.  听证会之后,释放 of the 2020 Census data (anticipated in September 2021), the demographer will prepare 受托人区域地图建议.

Following preparation of 受托人区域地图建议, three public hearings will be conducted prior to the Board’s consideration of approval of a by-trustee area election 系统和最终受托人区域图.  目前,地区期待着这些听证会 将在2022年1月和2月举行.  听证会日期将公布在地区网站上 网站.  Following the third post-map hearing – the fifth hearing overall – the Board 是否会批准最后的受托人区域图.


The 区 anticipates the new trustee-areas will be phased in over the course of 2022年11月和2024年11月的大选.